
Vectorworks reader
Vectorworks reader

Selecting and purging coincident duplicate objectsĪ long awaited feature that is perhaps most welcome in 2D workflows. So without further delay, my favorite new features in Vectorworks 2016 are: They have already made me more productive, efficient and accurate. Readers of my previous years' lists for 20 will know that the these are features that may be small, may be less often used, but they are ones that once again boost my usability and enjoyment of using Vectorworks. Sometimes they get none at all, yet they are still fantastic additions to the application. Here is my list (so far) of my favourite new features and enhancements in Vectorworks Architect 2016. In an unprecedented move, we even got a sneak peak at these at the 2015 Vectorworks Design Summit. While these are indeed superb features that I've been enjoying exploring since launch day, each new version also brings a plethora of other new features and enhancements that haven't received as much fanfare.

vectorworks reader

How is it possible to have a “Best of” list for 2016 when the year has just begun? That’s because this list is about Vectorworks 2016, the latest version of the software that was launched in September. This version of Vectorworks brings many highly touted (and quite frankly amazing) new features such as true Project Sharing, Marionette visual scripting, Subdivision modelling, Energos energy modelling and Point Cloud support.

vectorworks reader

The views, opinions and positions expressed within guest posts are those of the author alone and do not represent those of Novedge.

vectorworks reader

Neil also provides Vectorworks and Sketchup training for individuals and firms wanting to increase their productivity, efficiency and appreciation with these great tools. Together they work on projects as Barman+Smart. He and his wife Carrie Smart both trained at the University of Waterloo and designed and built their own LEED Platinum-certified home in 2012. Editor's Note: Neil Barman is an Intern Architect in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, and currently works on contract for a number of architecture firms as well as Canadian Vectorworks distributor Paxar Technologies.

Vectorworks reader